Top Qualities to Look for in a Shopify Plus Design Agency

Top Qualities to Look for in a Shopify Plus Design Agency

When it comes to scaling your e-commerce business, Shopify Plus is the go-to platform for enterprise-level companies looking to deliver exceptional online experiences. However, harnessing the full potential of Shopify Plus requires more than just choosing the right platform, it demands the expertise of a top-tier design agency. The right Shopify Plus design agency can make the difference between a website that merely functions and one that truly elevates your brand, drives conversions, and delights your customers. 

But with so many options available, how do you select the perfect partner for your business? In this blog, we’ll explore the top qualities to look for in a Shopify Plus design agency, ensuring that your investment leads to a powerful and profitable online presence.

Top Qualities to Look while choosing Shopify Agency

Top Qualities to Look while choosing Shopify Agency

Proven Expertise in Shopify Plus

When evaluating the Shopify Plus Design Agency’s Portfolio, the first quality to consider is their level of expertise with the platform. Shopify Plus offers advanced features and capabilities that require a deep understanding to implement effectively. A top-tier agency should not only be proficient in using these tools but also have a track record of successfully deploying them for other enterprise-level clients.

  • Extensive Portfolio and Case Studies

One of the best indicators of an agency’s expertise is its portfolio and case studies. A reputable Shopify Plus Design Agency should have a robust portfolio showcasing their work with enterprise-level e-commerce businesses. Look for case studies that highlight their ability to solve complex problems, implement advanced Shopify Plus features, and achieve significant results.

For example, you might find a case study where the agency helped a client reduce cart abandonment by 30% through optimizing the checkout process and implementing custom scripts. Such examples demonstrate not only the agency’s technical skills but also their ability to drive measurable business outcomes.

  • Shopify Plus Partner Status

Another critical factor is whether the agency is a certified Shopify Plus Partner. This certification is awarded to agencies that have demonstrated a high level of expertise with Shopify Plus and a commitment to maintaining the platform’s best practices. Working with a Shopify Plus Partner ensures that the agency is well-versed in the latest features and updates and has access to exclusive resources that can benefit your business.

According to Shopify, businesses that work with a Shopify Plus Partner typically see a higher return on investment (ROI) due to the specialized expertise and strategic guidance these agencies provide. This makes partnering with a certified agency a smart investment for any enterprise-level business looking to scale.

  • Innovative Problem-Solving Capabilities

In addition to technical expertise, the ability to think creatively and solve problems innovatively is crucial for a Shopify Plus Design Agency. E-commerce is a dynamic and competitive industry, and your agency needs to be able to anticipate challenges and come up with effective solutions that keep your business ahead of the curve.

For instance, if your business is expanding globally, your agency should be able to develop a strategy that addresses the unique challenges of international e-commerce, such as managing multi-currency transactions, handling cross-border shipping, and ensuring compliance with local regulations. By choosing an agency with a proven track record of innovative problem-solving, you can be confident that they will help you navigate these complexities and achieve your global expansion goals.

Strong Design and User Experience (UX) Focus

In today’s e-commerce landscape, user experience (UX) is more critical than ever. A seamless, intuitive, and visually appealing online store can significantly impact your conversion rates, customer satisfaction, and overall brand perception. Therefore, the second key quality to look for in a Shopify Plus Design Agency is a strong focus on design and UX.

  • Expertise in Creating Custom Designs

While Shopify Plus offers a range of customizable themes, a truly exceptional agency will go beyond basic customization to create a unique, brand-specific design that sets your store apart from the competition. This involves not only designing a visually stunning storefront but also ensuring that the design is optimized for performance and user experience.

According to a report by Adobe, companies with a strong design focus are 69% more likely to surpass their business goals. This underscores the importance of working with an agency that prioritizes design excellence and understands how to create a user-friendly, conversion-optimized online store.

  • Data-Driven UX Optimization

A strong design is just the beginning—your Shopify Plus Design Agency should also be skilled in optimizing the user experience based on data and analytics. This includes conducting UX audits, analyzing customer behavior, and making data-driven decisions to improve site navigation, load times, and overall usability.

For example, a study by the Baymard Institute found that a better checkout design can reduce cart abandonment rates by up to 35%. An agency with a strong UX focus will continuously test and refine your checkout process, ensuring that it’s as smooth and frictionless as possible. They may also implement A/B testing to identify which design elements or user flows drive the highest conversion rates, allowing you to make informed decisions that enhance your store’s performance.

  • Mobile-First Design Approach

With more than half of all e-commerce traffic coming from mobile devices, it’s essential that your Shopify Plus Design Agency adopts a mobile-first approach to design. This means creating a responsive design that not only looks great on mobile devices but also provides an optimized shopping experience for mobile users.

According to Statista, mobile e-commerce sales in the U.S. are expected to reach $432 billion by 2022, highlighting the growing importance of mobile in the e-commerce landscape. A mobile-first design approach ensures that your store is well-positioned to capture this market, providing a seamless shopping experience that drives conversions and increases customer satisfaction.

Effective Communication and Project Management

The third quality to look for in a Shopify Plus Design Agency is their ability to communicate effectively and manage projects efficiently. Successful collaboration between your team and the agency is essential for the timely delivery of your project and the achievement of your business goals.

  • Clear and Transparent Communication

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful partnership. Your Shopify Plus Design Agency should be transparent about their processes, timelines, and deliverables, providing regular updates on the project’s progress and addressing any concerns or questions you may have.

A study by the Project Management Institute (PMI) found that 32% of projects fail due to poor communication. To avoid this, choose an agency that prioritizes clear and consistent communication, ensuring that you are always informed and involved in the decision-making process. This might include regular meetings, detailed progress reports, and a dedicated project manager who serves as your main point of contact.

  • Proactive Problem-Solving and Flexibility

E-commerce projects can be complex, with many moving parts and potential challenges. A top-quality Shopify Plus Design Agency will be proactive in identifying and addressing potential issues before they become major problems. This requires not only technical expertise but also a flexible approach to project management, allowing the agency to adapt to changes and unforeseen circumstances.

For example, if a technical issue arises during the development process, the agency should be able to quickly identify the root cause and implement a solution that minimizes disruptions to the project timeline. Their ability to think on their feet and adapt to changing circumstances is a crucial factor in the successful delivery of your project.

  • Strong Project Management Skills

In addition to effective communication and problem-solving, strong project management skills are essential for keeping your project on track. This includes setting clear goals and timelines, managing resources efficiently, and ensuring that all team members are aligned and working towards the same objectives.

A well-organized project management approach ensures that your Shopify Plus store is delivered on time and within budget, without compromising on quality. Look for an agency that has a proven track record of successfully managing large-scale e-commerce projects, as this demonstrates their ability to handle the complexities of enterprise-level development.

Commitment to Long-Term Support and Growth 

Finally, a top Shopify Plus Design Agency should be committed to your long-term success. E-commerce is an ever-evolving industry, and your store will need ongoing support and updates to stay competitive. Look for an agency that offers comprehensive post-launch support and is invested in your business’s continued growth.

  • Ongoing Support and Maintenance

Once your Shopify Plus store is live, it’s essential to have access to ongoing support and maintenance services. This includes everything from regular performance audits and security updates to troubleshooting and bug fixes. A reliable agency will offer a range of support options to ensure that your store continues to perform at its best, even after the initial launch. 

According to a report by Gartner, 89% of companies expect to compete primarily on customer experience by 2020. This highlights the importance of ongoing support in maintaining a high-quality, user-friendly store that meets your customers’ expectations.

  • Strategic Guidance and Continuous Improvement

In addition to technical support, your Shopify Plus Design Agency should provide strategic guidance to help you stay ahead of the competition. This might include recommendations for new features or integrations, insights into emerging e-commerce trends, and suggestions for optimizing your store’s performance. 

A study by Forrester found that businesses that engage in continuous improvement efforts are more likely to achieve their growth objectives. By partnering with an agency that is committed to your long-term success, you can ensure that your Shopify Plus store remains a powerful tool for driving business growth.

  • Partnership Approach

Finally, look for an agency that views your relationship as a partnership rather than just a one-time project. A true partner will take the time to understand your business goals, provide personalized advice, and work collaboratively with your team to achieve the best possible outcomes. 

This partnership approach is particularly important for enterprise-level businesses, where the stakes are high, and the potential for growth is significant. By choosing an agency that is invested in your success, you can build a long-term relationship that delivers ongoing value and supports your business’s continued evolution.

Ready to Elevate Your Shopify Plus Store?

At Oyecommerz, we’re not just another Shopify Plus development agency, we’re your strategic partner in creating a powerful, high-converting online store. With proven expertise, innovative design solutions, and a commitment to your long-term success, we help businesses like yours stand out and thrive in the competitive e-commerce landscape.

Whether you need custom designs, UX optimization, or ongoing support, our team is here to turn your vision into reality. Let’s build something extraordinary together.

Contact to Migrate your Site to Shopify Now


Choosing the right Shopify Plus Design Agency is a critical decision for any enterprise-level e-commerce business. By focusing on the top qualities discussed in this article—proven expertise in Shopify Plus, a strong design and UX focus, effective communication and project management, and a commitment to long-term support and growth, you can ensure that your agency partnership will drive meaningful results.

As you evaluate potential agencies, keep these qualities at the forefront of your decision-making process. The right agency will not only help you automate your Shopify Plus store for immediate success but also position your business for long-term growth and global expansion. With the right partner by your side, you can confidently navigate the complexities of the e-commerce landscape and achieve your business goals.

Investing in a Shopify Plus Design Agency that aligns with your vision and values is not just about enhancing your online store design, it’s about building a foundation for sustained success in a competitive and ever-evolving industry. Choose wisely, and your business will be well-equipped to thrive in the years to come.

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