The Cost of Not Upgrading to Shopify Plus

The Cost of Not Upgrading to Shopify Plus

If you are a young e-commerce business, you probably know about the importance of your Shopify store for the company’s performance. But have you ever thought of the things left undone because of not embracing the opportunity of Shopify Plus plans? As you may think using Shopify Standard will suffice to meet your needs, it is impossible not to consider leaving you to use the lower tier of the platform may cost more than necessary. 

This cost is what is lost due to failure in generating revenue, missed chances, and inefficient operations, all of which are hurt by not upgrading. Here in this blog, you will come to know why Shopify Plus is crucial to your business success, the results of using the Shopify Standard store will be discussed. If you’re considering making the leap, partnering with a Shopify Plus development agency could be the key to unlocking the full potential of your online store.

Why Shopify Plus Has Its Importance?

Importance of shopify plus

Now, Shopify Plus is not an evolution of the Shopify Essentials package or, in other words, cannot be called simply a more advanced version of the Shopify Standard. Here’s why Shopify Plus plays a major role in scaling your e-commerce business:


Shopify Plus has been optimized for scalability and can definitely take in a lot of visitors and make sales to them as well. Another critical success factor that is vital to businesses that have huge growth prospects is the possibility to grow at the same pace. It is important to note that being on the Shopify Standard plan, you might experience constraints that drag your site’s performance and hence the experience and the sales.


A major aspect that sets Shopify Plus over the standard Shopify is the level of customization. Shopify’s Liquid code and superior API capabilities allow you to customize your store according to the nature of your enterprise. Such levels of flexibility help achieve the desired level of differentiation in a competitive world, especially for a business that seeks to develop a competitive brand experience.


As the old saying goes, time is money and Shopify Plus is fully aware of this when designing its automation features. This means that everything from the inventory to the marketing campaigns can be handled by the platform thus giving your team the time to think about how to expand the business instead of having to deal with the business’ operational aspects.

Exclusive Features

Some of the essential features of Shopify Plus are Launchpad, Shopify flow, and customer support for Plus users only. Such tools are intended for massive campaign planning and management, for managing extensive business processes including many endeavors, and for granting the owners of these tools a priority in case of any disruptions.

Global Reach

Many of the businesses aiming for international expansions will find it convenient to use Shopify Plus: the platform supports multiple currencies and languages. There are other business tax and compliance tools also integrated into the platform that are important in multinational business operations.

The majority of Shopify Plus stores, 41.7%, are located in the United States, making it the leading country for these advanced e-commerce platforms. The United Kingdom follows, hosting 9.3% of Shopify Plus stores. Australia and Germany also have significant shares, with 5.7% and 5.6% of the stores, respectively.

These features are not ‘nice-to-have ‘ elements but are essential for any organization that wishes to expand and play at a higher level. What if you missed the opportunity to truly scale your business hit the ground running and take advantage of upcoming promising prospects?

Related Read: How to Set Up and Manage an International Shopify Plus Store

Pitfalls of Using Shopify Standard

Pitfalls of Using Shopify Standard

So, if you are already using Shopify Standard and were quite happy in the beginning when your business was still small, you may encounter some troubles when growing. Here are some of the consequences of sticking with Shopify Standard:

Performance Issues

As the company expands, so will the requirement for your expertise online platform. Shopify Standard is built for small and average-sized businesses so it may have issues with great traffic or transactions. This can lead to slower site upload and download, sites freezing, and a bad impression that a client has towards a site hence no sale.

Limited Customization

Shopify Standard provides limited customization but if a business grows it will find all the options in here too limited. You may not be able to put your ideas very well into action and therefore marketing your brand and providing the unique shopping experience that customers demand can be challenging.

Operational Inefficiencies

It’s important to manage the complexities of an enterprise operation without getting lost in the weeds – that’s why Plus comes with some of the most powerful automation tools available to merchants on Shopify right now.’ This not only takes time but can also increase the chances of making mistakes and therefore brings in inefficiency in an organization.

Higher Transaction Fees

There is a disadvantage of high transaction fee charges for Shopify Standard users in comparison to the Shopify Plus merchants. By so doing, these fees may accumulate over time and when your turnover has grown big, they may prove expensive. Failure to upgrade means that you are being charged more to receive a service that is inferior to that received by premium users.

Limited Support

Fast and competent customer support is vital as your business expands in the competitive marketplace. Shopify Plus contains dedicated account management, where issues are fixed by the merchants and are offered priority support. Alternatively, you would have bare-bones support where outages and other problems take considerably longer to resolve.

Lost Opportunities by Not Upgrading to Shopify Plus

Lost Opportunities by Not Upgrading to Shopify Plus

Advanced Tools for Marketing and Revenue Increase

In terms of the overall revenue, one of the aspects that a merchant is easily able to overlook when failing to consider each of the features of Shopify Plus is the capability to make more sales through enhanced marketing tools. Shopify Plus provides several tools that will ensure that the marketing channels of a business are optimized to the fullest. For instance, the Script Editor of the given platform lets create unique Discount Codes and Promotions that drive conversions. Also, it provides synchronization with advanced email marketing solutions; it helps businesses administer advanced campaigns aiming to make multiple purchases.

Personalization for Better Conversion Gravity

A component directly associated with not upgrading is the failure to maximize the possibilities for fine-tuning the customers’ experience. With the help of Shopify Plus, it is possible to modify the checkout process, personalize the product offerings, and improve the site search capabilities. Such attributes can greatly contribute to the improvement of customer satisfaction level which in turn increases the chances of converting a browser into a buyer. Lacking these customization options, a businessman may face difficulty in making his product unique and in creating a dedicated customer base.

Global Expansion Capabilities

For companies, who are interested in international markets Shopify Plus provides the set of tools to enter into it. It supports the use of multiple languages and currencies, thus enabling companies to deal with customers from different geographic locations. Moreover, Shopify Plus has preeminent tax and shipping features that help businesses deal with extraordinary partnerships crosswise trading. Without these features, the firms will have a hard time extending cross-nationally, leaving them to lose good potential for corporate growth.

Connection to a network of successful Entrepreneurs

In its capacity, Shopify Plus is accompanied by a network of other successful merchants and various industry specialists. This community provides rich communication opportunities, which enables businesses to engage with other entities in their industries, and, therefore, learn from them and develop strategies that they can use themselves. Also, Shopify Plus comprises of events and tools that are especially for the business making them acquire the knowledge and resources needed. This is so because those who do not upgrade lose such connections and resources that are important for the growth of their businesses.

Impact of Shopify Plus on Business

Impact of Shopify Plus on Business

Improved Operational Efficiency

  • Efficient working processes by integration of sophisticated auto-working tools.
  • Less time and energy are spent on the general management of the company’s day-to-day activities.
  • Cost leadership arises from the ability to redirect resources to growth activities after freeing them from manual tasks.
  • Improved API, APIs, and other system connectivity to ensure better compatibility with other systems.

Enhanced Customer Experience

  • Realization of tailored and highly individualized shopping experiences by use of technology.
  • Greater levels of customer satisfaction were also observed or rather customer retention as the customers were able to identify their preferences.
  • Thus we have improved sales based on a more satisfying experience for the Website users.
  • By leveraging data analytics tools, we can further enhance customer experience with Shopify Plus  and make informed decisions based on actionable insights.

Increased Revenue and Profit Margins

  • Higher conversion rates using modern marketing tools.
  • Some benefits that might be associated with the growth of sales due to impressive and successful marketing campaigns and promotion offers.
  • Reduced costs of transacting particularly favoring firms with large traffic.
  • Sustaining and even increasing our sources of long-run corporate revenues as well as increasing profit margins.

Stronger Brand Identity

  • Integrate your brand identity with Shopify Plus design to develop a cohesive and singular online presence.
  • Increased awareness and image of a brand or product to consumers also help to distinguish it from the rest of the market.
  • The loyalty of customers with continuity of branding information to lure them.
  • Unmatched opportunity to track and make necessary changes to the branding strategies through efficient tools.

Unleash Your Growth Potential with OyeCommerz!

Don’t let your business fall behind by sticking to Shopify Standard. At OyeCommerz, we specialize in helping businesses like yours unlock the full potential of Shopify Plus. From advanced customization to enhanced security and increased revenue, the benefits of upgrading are too significant to ignore. Our team of experts is ready to guide you through the process, ensuring a seamless transition that drives growth and boosts your bottom line. Don’t miss out on the opportunities that come with Shopify Plus—contact OyeCommerz today and take your business to the next level!

Contact to Migrate your Site to Shopify Now


Choosing not to upgrade to Shopify Plus can limit your business’s growth potential. As your brand scales, the need for advanced tools, enhanced customization, and robust performance becomes crucial. Shopify Plus development offers the flexibility, automation, and enterprise-level features necessary to compete in a fast-evolving e-commerce landscape. By sticking to standard plans, you may miss out on opportunities to optimize user experience, streamline operations, and boost revenue through personalized features that cater to both your business needs and customer expectations.

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