Shopify Plus Launch Checklist: Your Guide to Success

Shopify Plus Launch Checklist: Your Guide to Success

Launching a new website on Shopify Plus is exciting because it opens up a world of possibilities for online shopping and development opportunities. However, entering into this strong platform demands careful planning to guarantee that everything runs smoothly. Shopify Plus is a popular choice for businesses due to its effective design, crafted for managing large traffic and complex processes.

To ensure a successful launch, partnering with a e-commerce development firm can be a game-changer. A skilled agency will provide the expertise needed to navigate Shopify Plus’s advanced features and optimize your store’s performance.

To help you get started, we’ve created a Shopify Plus Launch Checklist. This step-by-step tutorial will guide you through every necessary step for a smooth and successful launch.

Important Shopify Stats

  • Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV) saw a significant increase of 23%, reaching $60.9 billion, which marks an $11.3 billion rise from the first quarter of 2023.
  • Total revenue rose by 23% to $1.9 billion year-over-year. When adjusting for the sale of their logistics businesses, the growth rate compares to a 29% increase.
  • Revenue from Merchant Solutions grew by 20%, amounting to $1.4 billion compared to the previous year. This growth was driven primarily by the expansion in GMV and the continued uptake of Shopify Payments.
  • Gross Payments Volume (GPV) hit $36.2 billion, representing 60% of the GMV processed during the quarter.

The Importance of Planning of Shopify Plus Launch

Importance of Planning of Shopify Plus Launch

Going live is not the only process in starting a new Shopify Plus store; it is a strategic decision that requires planning. Here’s why a well-thought-out plan is crucial

Avoiding Costly Mistakes

A structured plan for the launch also provides a way of realizing that there could be some problems ahead. It can help avoid pitfalls and irregularities that can cost your business a lot of money in the long run.

Ensuring Operational Efficiency

Printed material, advertising, website design, and distribution strategies among others are covered and timed to ensure every bit of the launch is in order. This alignment is important to ensure that after the launch there is proper functioning to cover all the needs and requirements.

Meeting Business Objectives

Business objectives are not vague; they are set according to a clear plan to achieve changes in traffic, conversions as well as customer satisfaction.

Minimizing Downtime

This serves very well when planning to counter time wastage such that the store is opened as soon as possible to customers once it is set.

Enhancing User Experience

It is therefore recommended that a good launch plan should incorporate a user testing and optimization plan that improves the shopping experience for your customers.

How to Launch Shopify Plus Store ? - A Complete Checklist

A Complete Checklist for shopify plus

Determine What You Want to Achieve

  • Business Goals: Recognize the goals of your store which is to be created on the Shopify Plus platform. Strategic objectives could be achieving higher revenues, diversification of products that you offer, or enhanced services to clients.
  • KPIs: To ensure the launch enjoys success, develop Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that would help determine its success. This could contain site traffic, conversion rates, and even average order values among other factors that businesses could use.

Get Your Shopify Plus Store Ready

  • Theme Selection: The selected theme should match your brand image and fulfill the functional criteria to the greatest extent. Make sure it has a good feel to enhance the site’s interface and also capture the attitude of your brand.
  • Product Listings: Enter the products’ details meaning product description, images, and price list. Make sure all products’ data is up to date and has all the necessary attributes to be properly indexed by search engines.
    Payment Gateway Integration: Create payment gateways to facilitate the terminations of transactions. Make sure that they are safe and that they work with the payment methods that the intended clients prefer to use.
  • Shipping and Fulfillment: Customize the options involved in shipping such as the cost, areas of distribution, and the ways of getting there. Establish infrastructures when it comes to fulfillment that includes the arrangements of stocks and orders.

Conduct Thorough Testing

  • Functionality Testing: The check includes all the domains of its functioning, starting from navigation, and search options, and ending with the possibilities of purchasing products. Here, the idea is to guarantee that every action is smooth and unproblematic when tested on multiple devices with different browsers.
    Performance Testing: Determine your site’s responsiveness and speed and assess how well it is doing with the goals set and the available resources. Delimit the problems that can interfere with the process and resolve them to promote large-scale, immediate, and efficient usage.
    Security Testing: Adopt protective standards for the customers’ information as well as their transactions. Undertake risk evaluation and monitor and conform to the stipulated data protection laws.

Create a Marketing Plan

  • Pre-Launch Marketing: Create interest in the actual launch through e-mail newsletters, SMM, and cooperation with KOLs. Use teasers and other promotion tricks to get your fans’ attention.
  • Launch Day Promotion: Promote it on a launch day to entice people to visit your website. As to promotions, there are special discounts, limited-time offers, or giveaways to encourage a purchase.
  • Post-Launch Marketing: Follow up marketing campaigns after inception to ensure that the product stays visible. Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies being implemented through the use of analytical tools.

Prepare Customer Support

  • Support Channels: Establish contact points including live chat, mail, and phone for the customers to seek help or report any problem they might be having with the product.
  • Training: Make sure that your support team is ready for the influx of questions and concerns regarding your new Plus Store on Shopify.

Monitor and Optimize

  • Analytics Setup: Implement analysis tools to assess its activity, users’ interaction, and sales statistics. Utilize the information/data you have for rational decision-making to improve your store.
  • Feedback Collection: Customers’ opinions are required to be collected so that the weaknesses can be analyzed. Make improvements based on it to improve the efforts of the user.

Shopify Post-Launch Checklist

Shopify Post-Launch Checklist

Monitor Site Performance

  • Traffic and Conversion Tracking: Watch out for the traffic and conversion rate; these are important factors that determine whether the launch was effective or not. One has to search for trends and patterns as the basis of caring for the behavior of the users.
  • Error Monitoring: From time to time, it is necessary to look for errors or problems that may occur after the application is released. It is best to address any problems as early as possible so that there will be fewer disruptions.

Customer Feedback and Engagement

  • Customer Surveys: Give out questionnaires to your consumers/cross-buyers and get their feedback regarding their shopping trips. This information should therefore be used in making changes in the identified areas.
  • Engagement: Interact with the consumers by accepting friend requests, sending updates, and emails, and responding to complaints.

Update and Refine

  • Content Updates: Ensure your store has new content relevant to the posts, products, as well as special deals that you provide on a daily or weekly basis.
  • Feature Enhancements: This should involve the constant assessment of the features and implementation of new updates depending on the users’ response and business changes.

Review and Adjust Marketing Strategies

  • Campaign Analysis: Evaluate the results of your marketing. In this case, look at the performance indicators to establish the strengths and the things that did not go well.
  • Strategy Adjustments: Analyze your marketing initiatives from operations and results and build for future successful campaigns.

Why Choose Shopify Plus for Your Website Launch?

Shopify Plus offers a range of features that make it an ideal choice for enterprise-level e-commerce operations:

Scalability: Shopify Plus is intended for handling a huge amount of traffic and the necessary number of orders, which will be convenient for fast-growing businesses and companies.
Customization: It comes with a variety of options where the users can customize to their style and adapt to certain needs of the business and customers.
Advanced Features: Shopify Plus has better features such as account management services, better and more detailed reporting, and system auto-facilitation, which helps in streamlining operational procedures.
Security and Compliance: In this regard, Shopify Plus has strong security features that protect store and customer information with industry standards.
Global Reach: It accepts multiple currencies and languages which makes it convenient to market to a diverse pool of clientele.

Are You Ready to Launch your Shopify Store?

At Oyecommerz, we specialize in turning your Shopify Plus vision into reality, including leveraging the Benefits of Shopify Plus Launchpad. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, our expert team is here to guide you through every step of the process. From pre-launch planning and theme selection to payment integration and post-launch optimization, we’ve got you covered. With our proven track record in Shopify Plus Development, we ensure your store is set up for success from day one.

Curious about how we can help you launch your Shopify Plus store seamlessly? Contact us today to discover how our skills and experience can make your e-commerce dreams come true. Let’s build something great together!

Contact to Migrate your Site to Shopify Now


Starting a Shopify Plus store is a big move for any enterprise, and getting it right from the start is crucial. To set yourself up for success and maximize ROI with Shopify Plus, follow our Shopify Setup Checklist, which covers everything from pre-launch preparations to testing, marketing, and post-launch adjustments.

Shopify Plus is designed to handle high sales volumes and complex operations, making it a top choice for businesses looking to scale. With the right planning and execution, Shopify Plus can help you hit your business goals and provide your customers with an exceptional shopping experience.

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