Common Challenges in Shopify Plus Migration and How to Overcome Them

Common Challenges in Shopify Plus Migration and How to Overcome Them

Migrating to Shopify Plus can revolutionize your eCommerce business, providing the scalability you need to grow. However, the Shopify Plus migration process often presents significant challenges, with 63% of companies encountering major issues. Partnering with a e-commerce development agency can be the key to overcoming these hurdles. This guide will help you navigate the most common obstacles and offer practical solutions to ensure a successful Shopify Plus migration with the support of expert developers.

Understanding the Challenges

Challenges in Shopify Plus Migration

1. Data Migration

Challenge: Moving large volumes of data, including customer information, order history, and product details, is a daunting task. Data integrity and accuracy are critical, and any errors can lead to significant issues down the line.
Solution: Utilize Shopify’s robust data migration tools and apps, such as Store Importer and Matrixify (Excelify). Conduct a thorough data audit before migration to ensure all information is accurate and clean. Also, plan for multiple testing phases to verify the integrity of the data post-migration.

2. Customization and Feature Parity

Challenge: Businesses often rely on custom features and integrations that may not directly translate to Shopify Plus. Maintaining feature parity without disrupting user experience can be challenging.
Solution: Identify critical custom features and find equivalent Shopify Plus apps or custom development solutions. Engage with Shopify Plus experts who can tailor the platform to meet your specific needs. Brands like Gymshark have successfully navigated this by leveraging Shopify Plus’s flexible API and extensive app ecosystem.

3. SEO and Traffic Retention

Challenge: SEO is crucial for maintaining search engine rankings and organic traffic. Migration can disrupt SEO settings, leading to potential traffic loss.
Solution: Carefully map URLs and set up 301 redirects to ensure seamless traffic transition. Use Shopify’s built-in SEO tools and consult with SEO experts to retain your search rankings. Companies like MVMT Watches have maintained their SEO health post-migration by meticulously managing their redirects and on-page SEO elements.

4. Design and User Experience

Challenge: Replicating your existing site design and ensuring a consistent user experience is often more complex than it seems. Shopify Plus’s design capabilities are extensive but different from other platforms.
Solution: Use Shopify’s robust theme customization options to recreate your site’s look and feel. Engage professional designers familiar with Shopify Plus to ensure a seamless transition. Kylie Cosmetics, for example, successfully maintained its brand aesthetics by leveraging Shopify Plus’s design flexibility.

5. Integration with Existing Systems

Challenge: Integrating Shopify Plus with existing business systems (ERP, CRM, inventory management) can be technically challenging and time-consuming.
Solution: Use Shopify Plus’s extensive API capabilities and integration tools like Zapier and Mulesoft. Plan and test integrations thoroughly before going live. Fashion brand Rebecca Minkoff used these integration tools effectively to streamline their operations post-migration.

Key Shopify Statistics 2024

1. Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) Growth

  • Shopify’s MRR surged by 32% to reach $141 million as of September 30, 2023.
  • Why It’s Important: This increase highlights Shopify’s expanding customer base and financial health, crucial for a SaaS-based platform.

2. Gross Profit Increase

  • Shopify’s gross profit grew by 36% year-over-year.
  • Why It’s Important: This growth reflects Shopify’s increasing efficiency and profitability, signalling a strong return on investment for shareholders.

3. Strong Cash Reserves

  • As of September 30, 2023, Shopify held $4.9 billion in cash and marketable securities.
  • Why It’s Important: A robust cash reserve allows Shopify to invest in new opportunities and navigate economic uncertainties.

4. Impact on Global E-commerce

  • Shopify has facilitated the sale of approximately $812 billion worth of products.
  • Why It’s Important: This figure underscores Shopify’s significant role in the global e-commerce ecosystem.

5. Revenue from North America

  • Shopify’s revenue from the USA, Canada, and Mexico totalled $2.15 billion.
  • Why It’s Important: This emphasizes Shopify’s strong presence in North America, a key market for e-commerce.

6. Expansive Buyer Base

  • Shopify serves over 700 million buyers in 2024, contributing $319 billion to global e-commerce.
  • Why It’s Important: This showcases Shopify’s broad reach and significant impact on global consumer spending.

7. Revenue Growth in Q3 2023

  • Shopify experienced a 25% year-over-year revenue increase in Q3 2023, totalling $1.7 billion.
  • Why It’s Important: This indicates robust business health and effective growth strategies.

8. Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV) Increase

  • GMV increased by 22% to $56.2 billion, a $10.0 billion rise from Q3 2022.
  • Why It’s Important: This reflects the expanding scale and value of transactions facilitated by Shopify.
Shopify Gross Merchandise Volume Growth

9. Dominance in the US E-commerce Market

  • Shopify holds one-third of the US e-commerce platform market, with a 32% market share.
  • Why It’s Important: This dominance signifies Shopify’s leading position in a competitive sector.

10. Adoption of Shopify Plus

  • Over 59,000 websites are using Shopify Plus.
  • Why It’s Important: The wide usage of Shopify Plus highlights its scalability and appeal to larger businesses.

11. Concentration in the US Market

  • The USA, Shopify’s largest market, is home to 60% of all Shopify stores, with significant adoption in California.
  • Why It’s Important: This concentration reflects Shopify’s strong market presence and appeal to American retailers.

12. Global Ranking

  • Shopify ranks as the 10th-largest online services company in the world.
  • Why It’s Important: This ranking underscores Shopify’s significant influence in the digital commerce space.

13. Global Merchant Base

  • Shopify is home to merchants from 175 countries.
  • Why It’s Important: This illustrates the platform’s global appeal and versatility.

14. Large Merchant Community

  • Approximately 1.75 million merchants are selling on Shopify.
  • Why It’s Important: This vast and diverse merchant base signifies Shopify’s appeal to a wide range of businesses globally.

15. Record Sales During BFCM Weekend

  • Shopify merchants set a record of $9.3 billion in sales over the Black Friday-Cyber Monday weekend.
  • Why It’s Important: This underscores Shopify’s effectiveness in supporting high-volume sales events.

16. Mobile Traffic Dominance

  • Data shows that 50.3% of traffic to Shopify stores comes from mobile devices.
  • Why It’s Important: This highlights the growing importance of mobile commerce.

17. Higher Conversion with Shop Pay

  • Shop Pay checkouts have a 72% higher conversion rate compared to regular checkouts.
  • Why It’s Important: Shop Pay significantly boosts conversion rates, enhancing sales.

18. Widespread Use of Apps

  • Over 85% of Shopify merchants use apps to improve their performance.
  • Why It’s Important: The extensive use of apps highlights the platform’s adaptability and the diverse needs of its merchants.

19. Vast App Ecosystem

  • The Shopify App Store houses over 10,000 apps.
  • Why It’s Important: This extensive app ecosystem allows merchants to tailor their stores to their specific needs.

20. Popular Product Categories

  • Top product categories include apparel, health and beauty, and home and garden, with an average cart value of $108.12.
  • Why It’s Important: These categories reflect consumer preferences and spending behavior on the platform.

21. Growth in Shop Pay Sales

  • There was a 60% year-over-year increase in sales made via Shop Pay.
  • Why It’s Important: This indicates the growing popularity and effectiveness of Shop Pay.

22. Drop Shipping Trends

  • Only 7.77% of Shopify stores use third-party drop shipping.
  • Why It’s Important: This suggests a preference for other fulfillment methods among the majority of Shopify merchants.

23. Investment in Carbon Removal

  • Shopify invested $31.8 million in 27 carbon removal suppliers.
  • Why It’s Important: This demonstrates Shopify’s commitment to supporting solutions that reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide.

24. Clean Energy Generation

  • Shopify generated over 12,000 MWh of clean energy through a Power Purchase Agreement with Berkshire Hathaway Energy Canada.
  • Why It’s Important: This initiative contributes to renewable energy production and reduces environmental impact.

25. Investment in Low-Carbon Aviation Fuel

  • Shopify committed $2.5 million to Twelve for low-carbon aviation fuel production.
  • Why It’s Important: This investment supports emerging technologies that can reduce carbon emissions in significant sectors like transportation.


Shopify’s performance through 2023 and into 2024 highlights its rapid growth and essential role in the global e-commerce sector. The company’s financial health, market presence, and innovative impact on retail are underscored by significant increases in MRR, gross profit, and GMV. With a strong cash reserve and a large, active network of merchants and customers, Shopify continues to lead and shape the future of online commerce.

Addressing Pain Points

Speed and Performance

One of the major concerns during migration is the potential impact on site speed and performance. According to a study by Google, a one-second delay in mobile load times can impact conversion rates by up to 20%.
Solution: Optimize images, use Shopify Plus’s CDN, and leverage performance monitoring tools to ensure your site loads quickly. Brands like Allbirds have seen improved site performance and customer satisfaction by focusing on speed optimization during their migration.

Cost Management

The migration process can be costly, especially if not planned properly. Unexpected expenses can strain your budget and delay the migration.
Solution: Develop a detailed migration plan with a clear budget, including contingencies for unexpected costs. Partner with a Shopify Plus expert to avoid common pitfalls and manage costs effectively. Fashion retailer Good American managed their budget efficiently by working closely with Shopify Plus partners.

Staff Training and Adaptation

Your team needs to adapt to the new platform, which can be challenging if they are accustomed to a different system.
Solution: Invest in comprehensive training for your staff on Shopify Plus’s features and functionalities. Utilize Shopify’s support resources and consider hiring a dedicated Shopify Plus specialist to ease the transition. Tech accessory brand Nomad found success by prioritizing staff training during their migration.

Our Research and Expertise

At Oyelabs, we have helped numerous clients successfully migrate to Shopify Plus. One of our clients, a home decor retailer, faced data migration issues due to the large number of SKUs and customer records. By using automated tools and rigorous testing, we ensured a seamless transition with no data loss.

Contact to Migrate your Site to Shopify Now


Migrating to Shopify Plus can present several challenges, but with careful planning and the right strategies, you can overcome them and take your eCommerce business to the next level. Remember, leveraging Shopify Plus’s robust tools and partnering with experts will pave the way for a smooth and successful migration. Embrace the change, and your business will reap the rewards.

By addressing these common challenges head-on and implementing these solutions, you’ll ensure a seamless transition to Shopify Plus, positioning your business for continued growth and success.

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